I thought you might be interested in seeing my other sand pincushion. This one is in use all the time and lives on my cutting table. One day I'll post pictures of my sewing room and you'll see how disorganised it is.
This one was from a Blackbird Designs book. Bleeding heart flowers are a favourite of mine because my grandmother always had them in her garden.
I think making pincushions may be habit-forming.
Thank you for all the nice comments about the strawberries in my last post. I should make it clear they were all made from patterns and not my own designs - I'm a pattern junkie and I love my patterns:)
On a different subject, I wanted to show you some pictures from the Yorkshire Sculpture Park at Bretton. My husband was at home from work last week and I've currently got one daughter at home all day, so we took advantage of some fine weather and off we went. There are lots of beautiful views there, and I could have taken photos all day long! Here are a few of them: