A whole two weeks after I started sewing blocks and sashing together, I've finally got this quilt top assembled. It's okay, but I don't think it's one of my best. The whole thing's quite buttery-looking, and now I'm thinking it could have taken a darker yellow. I like yellow, but it can be a tricky colour to get right. *sigh*
It was all from stash though, and I'll be making a pieced backing to use up more stash.
More knitting, and this will be another cushion (pillow) cover. It doesn't look much now, but hopefully it will when it's finished. (Think knitted flowers.)
We've had some beautiful sunny weather this week, and our auriculas are just about at their best now, a riot of colour! Most of them are planted together in an old ceramic sink. I like this photo which shows them against a background of bluebells.